السبت، 29 ديسمبر 2012

here 7 Good Mashups You Have Never Heard About

The following is a list of seven good mashups that aren't the most popular of their kind and you have probably never heard about before, but each provides a useful slant on the information and additional value for the user.


HousingMaps Mashup
A good mashup for anyone in the market for a new home, HousingMaps takes information from Craigslist and combines it with Google Maps to create a great utility for finding a house for sale or one for rent.


Good Mashup - Quotably
Quotably is a really good mashup for anyone that gets into discussions on Twitter. It operates by taking the replies and creating threaded conversations so that it is easy to follow the discussion.

Twitter Census

Good Mashups - Twitter Census
 Twitter Census allows you to create polls and uses Twitter to gather responses. The responses are then tallied and displayed on the Twitter Census website.


This mashup takes information from FatWallet and SlickDeals and arranges it into a tag cloud. This allows you to get a visual representation of the most popular deals for the day and quickly find the hottest deal happening on any given day.


GolfBonk Mashup
Great for any golfer, this mashup allows you to search for golf courses in a specific area and zoom in to view the course hole by hole to get a leg up on the competition or just to get a better idea of the course hazards.


TSMaps Good Mashup
This mashup gathers breaking news from a wide range of sources and displays them on a map of the world. Countries with breaking news are highlighted in orange, and you can click on any country to get headline news.


Good Mashups - PubWalk
Pubwalk combines Google Maps with information from CitySearch to create a good mashup to check while barhopping. Get the latest information on bars and pubs in your location and leave your own review.

الجمعة، 28 ديسمبر 2012

mashup matter

more about mashups and widget , "a pdf file you can download it in link below" is  explaine :

The Mashup Development Process

The Business Value of Mashups

Challenges with Mashups

Introduction to IBM Mashup Center


mashups examles

 Mashups combine content or functionality from existing web services, websites and RSS feeds to serve a new purpose. For example, Housingmaps.com is a mashup of Google Maps and real-estate listings from Craigslist. Mashups with maps are particularly popular, as are mashups using RSS feeds (see “RSS and Atom” in Section 3.15) created by using services such as Yahoo! PipesTM—a tool that enables you to aggregate and manipulate many data sources.
Using APIs can save time and money (some great mashups have been built in an afternoon); however, the mashup is then reliant on one or more third parties. If the API provider experiences downtime, the mashup will be unavailable as well (unless the mashup is programmed to avoid sites that are down). Always check the “terms of service” for using each company’s web services. Many API providers charge usage fees based on the mashup’s number of calls made to the server. Some sites require you to ask permission before using their APIs for commercial purposes, and others (e.g., Google) require that mashups based on their web services be free. Also, while mashups add value to data, there is always the question of who owns the data, and thus who should profit from the mashup

Software mashups and widgets

Software mashups and widgets

Mashup :

A mashup, in web development, is a web page, or web application, that uses and combines data, presentation or functionality from two or more sources to create new services. The term implies easy, fast integration, frequently using open application programming interfaces (API) and data sources to produce enriched results that were not necessarily the original reason for producing the raw source data.
The main characteristics of a mashup are combination, visualization, and aggregation. It is important to make existing data more useful, for personal and professional use. To be able to permanently access the data of other services, mashups are generally client applications or hosted online.
 Mashups come in several varieties.  Some mashups combine two or more media files (text, audio, video) to create new content. Web mashups combine two or more web applications to create a new service
The name "mashup" is derived from the idea of combining data from two or more sources and displaying it with a unique look. However, newer mashups sometimes only use a single source of information. A good example of this is Twitter Spy, which only pulls data from Twitter. Developing a mashup can add richness to existing data or applications .
The best mashups are both visually appealing and either useful or, at least, entertaining to the point of needing to come with a warning label not to view at work if you want to get anything done.
    Some of The top 10 of mashups on web  :
Description: If you have ever wanted to be a weather forecaster or traffic reporter, Weatherbonk is the web mashup for you. Combining Google Maps with multiple weather resources including WeatherBug and the National Weather Service, WeatherBonk is the best mashup for pretending to be a forecaster. Weatherbonk also gives traffic details and you can even plot out a trip with weather information included
Description: A great mashup for anyone in the market for a new home, HousingMaps takes information from Craigslist and combines it with Google Maps to create a great utility for finding a house for sale or one for rent. The sheer usefulness of this site makes it one of the best mashups on the web.
Description: Flappr is a mashup for Flickr fans wanting to find a better way of browsing through photos. Flappr uses Flash to provide a slick interface to Flickr and a visual method of finding cool images. It's the best mashup for browsing Flickr.
Description: Tap into the power of the world's most popular micro-blogging and chatting service, Twitter, and use it to get quick answers to questions with this great mashup.
yahoo newsglobe
Description: The best mashup for getting your news in an entertaining way, Newsglobe plots realtime news stories on a globe of the earth using Yahoo's top stories RSS feed and hooking it into Yahoo! Maps to create an excellent visual tool for keeping up on what's going on in the world.

Widget :
Widget is a small program (or reusable code) that can be added to any web site including a blog or personalized start page. Widgets provide additional functionality. Some examples of widgets include adding a YouTube playlist or a YouTube embedded player to your blog, signing up for RSS or bookmarking a web page using the social bookmarking site .

Widgets can help citizens visualize data (ex. PowerPoint slide show widgets) .-   
    -In the case of video widgets, a video clip can supplement information posted on a web page
    Widgets can be embedded in a variety of social media platforms-
    -Widgets can be created at very low costMashups are often sourced from existing data/applications which can lower development costs.
    -You can share your widget with others on the web, translating into more exposure for your .  widget content

my presentation about WIFI

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